Корзун Марія

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  • 07.03.2023 о 18:38 #5808

    People can learn online or homeschool when they outside the classroom.

    28.02.2023 о 18:50 #5795

    I usually ask my parents for advice about problems at school and friendships.

    16.02.2023 о 18:55 #5564

    I wnat to become an artist when I leave school. I need be good at drawing.

    09.02.2023 о 18:10 #5400

    More snacks would be better for your health and we can get more energy.

    09.02.2023 о 18:06 #5399

    Lokers at school is great idea.

    07.02.2023 о 19:04 #5321

    I think its a great idea to give children so they would have more energy for work

    07.02.2023 о 18:40 #5320

    Its very good idea, spending time outdoors is good for our health

    31.01.2023 о 18:57 #5178

    I don’t think my school needs to be changed I think it’s okay at this moment.

    12.01.2023 о 19:06 #4489

    The best thing about going to school is meeting my school friends.
    The worst thing about going to school is I have to study History.